Meet The SHU
Your Hosts
DaNeana Ulmer
DaNeana Ulmer has hosted 206 episodes.
Is An African American Mother of 3, Self published Author, Fashion Designer and Entrepreneur born and raised in Minnesota. She is an only child to a single mother, who held down two jobs just to make ends meet. She grew up fast watching A lot of gang and drug activity going on in her neighborhood, when her Mother was at work. While attending college for fashion Management and pregnant with her second daughter, she caught A Possession of Cocain Case that landed her in federal prison for 10 years. She wrote her first novel while in the shu (solitary housing) for arguing with a officer, and completed the book in the 44 days she spent in there. Upon her release she made preparations to seek out publishers and didn't have any luck. When she was released she started her own company Nelymesh Corporation and self published her first novel "Da Hood Makes Fresh Water" . She would go onto to do any and everything to hustler her way to the top. As time went on she promoted her books, partys, concerts, worked A job while attending college and raising 3 daughters.
She is currently CoHosting a weekly podcast, Meet The Shu. preparing to release her 3rd book, running her daughter's Skincare line, designing and managing a online store Bossed Up Boutique that she shares with her Co-Host.
Shade Oloye
Shade Oloye has hosted 206 episodes.
My name is shade Oloye, Owner/hairstylist of Cashmere lux Hair Salon and Natural Haircare products. I love educating others on product knowledge to be able to manage their Haircare needs. What gives me pride and joy is when I receive testimonies from customers on how I changed their lives with using Cashmere Lux products.
However, I decided to take a leap forward to go back to school. In 2018, I earned a Masters Degree in Business Management with a emphasis in small business entrepreneurship. With all the trials and tribulations of being on a road of destruction. I became a Life/Business Coach to help lead people to a purposeful positive life. I’ve helped countless people to achieve a meaningful life after turmoil.
Meettheshu podcast will enlighten many that are in the prison system and outside dealing with the stigma of being a felon.